WWith the latest additions to our ever-growing list of customers we are very proud to announce that six out of the ten most successful telecom companies in the world are now using RoamsysNext products to align network configuration and roaming management to strengthen their position on the market with growing revenues.

Our tools unfold their maximum power when working hand in hand. Our Network Configuration Optimizer takes care of all partner network related tasks while the Wholesale Roaming Manager organizes your roaming agreements and service launches. Of course, both come with powerful reporting functionalities to deliver the full picture.
RoamsysNext CEO Michael Grasmück is proud about what has been achieved in the past months: “In tough times for the whole industry two of those top ten telcos have joined us in the last few months. This also demonstrates that even – or especially – when the challenges in the roaming business are highest, the need and the value of automation solutions become even higher.“