Although the weather in Europe has been cold and wet, spring is coming and cannot be stopped. The radiant month of May is now making its appearance, raising the curtain for nature to blossom.
Even if you are not a floral fan, you can always look forward to the beautiful new release of the RoamsysNext product suite. It has fulfilled many user requests and has been enhanced with many new features and functionalities. Learn all about the Advanced Application Interconnect and a new wizard in the IREG Toolbox.
Find the complete list of new features in the Release Notes section of the Launchpad!

It’s all about Advanced Application Interconnect
Our long-standing customers know this: the modules in our product suite interlock like cogwheels. The Wholesale Roaming Manager, for example, provides powerful collaboration and reporting tools for all roaming partner relationships, bringing together everything from service openings to the user’s roaming footprint, test SIM cards and tariffs, and document and contact management. Following the roaming partner management in Networks, a central solution provides easy access to all test SIM cards. All key roaming tariffs – from both standard IOT and discount agreements – are in one safe and central repository with direct access to all relevant documents. So far, so good.
We have found a new way to connect all the applications together: Welcome our Advanced Application Interconnect!
Here, the cogwheels interlock with fascinating precision! In each application, in each section that has a partner-operator context, for example, the detail view of a Rollout, a connection in Networks, or a task in IREG Toolbox, data from other applications is now available for that partner, too. No more searching and hopping from one application to another, the way is free for faster implementation without friction losses!
In this release, data from Contacts, Documents, Networks, Rollouts, SIM cards is available in all other applications (including IREG Toolbox and Tariffs), more will follow in the next releases.
Are you curious how it looks? You will find the corresponding buttons in the upper right corner whenever the application link is available for a particular section.

Conflict Handling in IREG Toolbox
With a new wizard in the IREG Toolbox we have greatly improved conflict handling! It resolves any arising conflicts while manually processing documents and tasks. We have also expanded the automation rules to include new general rules with additional options for conflict handling.
IREG Toolbox has a new report distribution feature: you can now set up automated email/SFTP reports based on saved views for current extracts. Network tag information has been added to change extracts for tasks. Merged MSISDN and GT number range variables are now available for vendor-specific configuration templates.
Colors make life happy: in Networks you can now customize connection status colors. If you would like to assign different colors to specific status values, please contact Roamsys support.
More colors are also available in the Service coverage report and the Group country coverage report. With this, we support more coverage levels with different colors and provide a clearer and more refined picture.
In the March release, we added Rollout Targets, a new management feature that allows to set exact targets in specific time periods. With more transparency in achieving goals, you save valuable time and you have much less stress. That’s why we’ve enhanced the rollout tables in the target detail view with saveable views and show/hide columns. Similarly, a target can now be recalculated from the target detail view.
What could be more interesting than keeping an eye on the current progress of Rollouts: in addition to the progress the rollouts had when the target was completed, the “Assigned Rollouts” table in completed targets now also shows its current progress.
Another customer request in SIM cards was bulk editing: services for own and partner SIM cards can now be edited in bulk from the respective SIM card overview. Likewise, we have provided three new fields for SIM card spreadsheet import:
Sent date (own cards)
Received date (partner cards)
Date of delivery confirmation (own and partner cards).
Find the complete list of new features in the Release Notes section of the Launchpad!