Christmas is coming, and as this is the time for presents, we enhanced our products with a lot of powerful features to make your life easier.
Listening to our customers is key to make our products better, so most of the new features introduced with the live update today were a direct result of customer feedback. Some improvements are well hidden “under the hood”, but here we’d like to introduce some of the most anticipated features.

Create rollouts in bulk
Key benefit of our service opening tool is to streamline your workflows to be quick on the market and save time. Because of that we are always gathering ideas on how to speed up the process and the bulk creation of rollouts is a feature that has been requested by a lot of users for quite some time. Now it’s finally here and you can decide if you want to use the csv-upload functionality or a handy creator within the tool itself. And for the excessive users of this feature we have a bulk-delete option in the pipeline as well, so stay tuned!
Monitor your network nodes with new extracts and audits
Our Network Configuration Optimizer now comes with some newly added extracts and new elements within already available extracts. The Autonomous system numbers extract now covers the ASN type, and the Networks subsection of the Network information section has its own extract. Some additional subsections in LTE and IP roaming and inter-working are now editable as well, and the Location column on the Networks page has been enhanced with links to the respective sections, so you know exactly where to find the latest information within the tool and access it in seconds.
The biggest improvements have been made for the configurations. They now can be retrieved by external tools using our 3rd party API to get metadata about configurations, download configurations, add comments and update the configuration status. Also, you can now easily identify the newest and oldest configurations for each template/rule/type and TADIG code. The import/export function for custom fields simplifies the administration of your own data in configuration templates and certain overview pages. And last but not least the audit configuration type MSISDN number range can now be used with audit templates.
e-SIM support
The industry moves forward and so do our tools. After the full 5G-support in all modules we are now introducing e-SIM support to our Sim Cards management tool. And our group customers can now create individual shipping orders per group member.
Feed your internal tools using our 3rd party APIs
We know there’s life outside of our products and we do our best to integrate our tools into your internal workflows in the best way possible. We are always improving our 3rd party APIs to feed your own tools with the data available in our products. Already mentioned is the newly added Configurations API, but there’s more to explore: From our roaming partner management tool you can now retrieve the whole Networks section using the Connections-API, and this API now also contains Roaming hub, Blocked status and Comment information.