We couldn’t be more excited presenting RoamsysNext with all the fresh energy of our relaunch at Was #10 in Valencia during this week. For ten years we are working closely together with the GSMA to push the RAEX standard and standardization in general. To get insights in the latest developments and future plans join Mihai Luca at his talk on Tuesday (14:00), that he will do together with GSMA’s Carmen Kwok.
The ties between the GSMA and RoamsysNext are very close since the first time we worked together to establish the RAEX IR.21 standard about ten years ago. The trustful connection intensified during the years, we improved the standard regularly, included RAEX IR.85 and introduced RAEX IOT/OpData 2013. Thousands of active GSMA members are using our RAEX Tools application regularly to receive partner documents, create and update own RAEX documents and distribute them to their partners.
Together with GSMA representative Carmen Kwok Mihai Luca will inform the WAS attendees about the latest developments regarding the RAEX standard and the next steps already planned. The upcoming release(s), the next one is scheduled for February/March 2020, will e.g. include the support of hubs to distribute their IR.85 documents within the RAEX Tools application as well as BCE support in OpData. Another hot topic will be about possible workflows to use modern technologies like Blockchain for RAEX to add an extra layer of security, connectivity and trust.
One idea to be discussed is to transfer the roaming partner management from the InfoCentre directly into the RAEX Tools application, to make the whole handling of roaming relations much more intuitive. A first step on the way to this has already been made by introducing distribution lists to RAEX IR.21 in the last release.
We will also take the opportunity to introduce the newly established RoamsysNext Connectivity Innovation Forum. The forum is meant as a meeting point to exchange ideas, debate and learn from pears. It will host on-site meetings in Luxembourg, group meetings at big conferences and scheduled webinar sessions where hot industry topics will be discussed.
For Gerrit Jan Konijnenberg, chair of the RoamsysNext Advisory Board, especially the webinars are important to get the best possible feedback and input from all operators: “We want to stimulate digital inclusion and participation especially for those roaming colleagues who cannot travel regularly to global events and thus are deprived from vital information. Global connectivity is getting more and more complex and MNOs, MVNOs and corporates need to keep up in this changing environment.”
During WAS #10 Mihai and Carmen will be available for all RAEX related questions in the GSMA Office to give RAEX training and support. Drop in at any time during the event!