With an open ear for the needs of our customers RoamsysNext performs regular updates introducing new features of our products. With the update yesterday we implemented one of the most anticipated features, especially for management purposes. The Partners Dashboard offers partnership information across all our modules at a glance.
The preview of our new Partner Dashboard in the Launchpad is now available. It summarises information from all available applications for a specific roaming partner, such as rollouts, connections or contacts. It’s also customisable similarly to the application dashboards: You can decide from which applications you wish to display information, and how to display it.
It can be accessed through the Organisations tab in the Launchpad and through the quick access button next to the support section in the menu bar at the top (the quick access is only available in the Launchpad at the start, but will be available in all applications with the next update).
For Head of Development Norbert Becker the partner dashboards are the next logical step that brings together all the information gathered in the module specific dashboards that have been introduced in the past months: “All our modules are well connected and very specific information about a roaming partner can be retrieved. So you get all the information you need about a partner on one single page and you will always be well prepared for your business meetings and requests from your colleagues and executives.”
One important thing to mention:
The partner dashboard will only be available for a limited time as part of our existing product bundles without any extra charge. In the coming months it will be bundled into a separate product that can be purchased together with more enhanced reporting features across all applications!