After all these years, it’s time. Time to let go. As you may know, usage of Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) has remarkably decreased over time (from 70% market share in 2008 to just around 7% in 2018). Microsoft itself officially stopped updating the browser in 2016. This means that IE nowadays is slow and has way fever functionalities than other browsers.
Making our tools compatible to these „outdated“ standards of the Internet Explorer takes time and resources we would rather like to use to improve our tools.
Therefore we will phase out support for the Internet Explorer by the end of the year 2019.
What to do?
In case you are currently using IE, we therefore highly recommend you to switch to another browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge) – not only for the sake of our tools but a faster and better browsing experience in general.
For information on the Internet Explorer lifecycle, Microsoft has published extensive FAQs on the matter. In addition, Microsoft is aware of the inconveniences that come with a browser switch and therefore offers former IE users a special feature in their new Edge browser.